Minggu, 27 Mei 2012
Blink Indonesia, The Real Girl Band
Blink is one of girl band from Indonesia, you must be often see them on the tv series "Putih Abu-abu", right?
They are the real girl band,I think..
They have a good voice, beautiful looks, and talented, which is to play musical instruments, like guitar and piano
Ok,let's see the videos below,,
hope you enjoy it :)
Selasa, 22 Mei 2012
Quotes of the Day
"Many great opportunities have been allowed to pass because we were too busy worrying about little things"
"Life is not easy, but there is no difficulty that does not have a way out.
Let us not focus on what is difficult, but instead on what we should do better and soon."
"Often, the ability that we need to be able to focus on what is important is the ability to ignore.
Ignoring the less important will free us to focus on the more important. What we focus on - grows.
And hence we grow in personal and professional importance for others.
"Actually, it is not hindrances that stop us, but unwillingness to take action just because we feel that our chances of success are small. Let us act more that we worry.
Hope is prayer in action.
"Only he who displays weakness, who will be treated like a weak person.
Strengthen your heart and embed a sense of pride in your posture. "
Strengthen your heart and embed a sense of pride in your posture. "
It is started from little bad habits, that grow into bigger problems, and end up as a failure."
You better run like a snail

They are highly motivated to pursue their dreams during the night, only to wake up in the morning in doubts.
Then they design achievement plans during the day, only to replace them with unclear new interests.
They live like a storm in doubt.
Hmm … a decisive snail will go farther than an indecisive storm.
Therefore, whatever you dream, move yourself forward.
It is better to find yourself scrambling to survive, than trying to console yourself that it was not your fault that you did not try.
Jadwal Siaran Langsung Thomas dan Uber Cup 2012

Mungkin Jadwal Siaran Langsung MNC TV Thomas Dan Uber Cup 2012 ini bisa membantu teman-teman semua untuk mendukung tim Thomas Dan Uber Cup 2012 Indonesia.
Berikut selengkapnya Jadwal Siaran Langsung MNC TV Thomas Dan Uber Cup 2012
21 Mei 2012 : Thomas Cup Grup A – Indonesia VS England (17.50 WIB)
22 Mei 2012 : Thomas Cup Grup A – Indonesia VS China (17.50 WIB)
23 Mei 2012 : Uber Cup Quarterfinals (11.50 WIB), Thomas Cup Quarterfinals (17.50 WIB) >> keduanya TV Court 1, belum tentu Tim Thomas dan Uber Indonesia yang ditayangkan di TV Court 1
24 Mei 2012 : Uber Cup Semifinals
25 Mei 2012 : Thomas Cup Semifinals
26 Mei 2012 : Uber Cup Finals
27 Mei 2012 : Thomas Cup Finals
Untuk laga 24-27 Mei kemungkinan memang ditayangkan di MNCTV, mengingat laga Semifinal dan Final lebih mendapat perhatian, meskipun bukan partai Indonesia.
Mungkin itu saja ya kawan sedikit ulasan saya mengenai Jadwal Siaran Langsung MNC TV Thomas Dan Uber Cup 2012, Semoga bermanfaat dan salam super buat kita semuanya.
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